Saturday, June 22, 2013


Since the beginning of my pain, 11 or so years ago, I have been trying to listen to my body more.  I feel that everything that happens is because of what I eat, think, or feel.  It seems like I have a lot of emotions that cause me pain.  It's like I wear my emotions as pain in my body.  For some reason I must have chosen this to be one of my challenges in life.  It's not that I meditate daily to see why something is happening, but after ignoring some pain for so long, it starts to scream at me.

My mom had a book when I was younger, Feeling Buried Alive Never Die, where I could look up the pain I was feeling, and it would tell me the negative thoughts that caused it.  These negative thoughts are usually done subconsciously, but regardless they effect you.  The book would have a positive affirmation for you  to say often or tap in using the EFT Emotional Freedom Technique.  You can YouTube how to do this, it is easy to grasp and speeds up the process.

I bought myself a book that was very similar, Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay.  I have found this book to be very helpful.  It doesn't mean the pain goes away fast.  I am sure it has a lot to do with how deep you have buried your emotions, but I love knowing there are answers, and the negative thoughts usually make complete sense.

I am still working on being more in tune with my body, but I am a work in progress.   I know there is so much  more to this life than just living here.  There are reasons for everything, and I am trying my hardest to listen with an open mind and heart.

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